Crafting Store
Good day and hope all are doing well. We recently decided to start selling our crafts online. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to start with Etsy or go off on my own with out web site. As you can see, we have decided to use our web site as a platform to sell our crafts, as well as attending craft shows. Our store is currently under construction and I hope to have items listed soon.
COVID has taken a huge hit on attending any craft shows. In fact, we haven’t attended any shows for almost a year now. I have been working from home for about 10 months now, due to COVID and the company I work for gave up the lease on a few of their buildings.
We are hoping to be able to get back into making more items and listing them here on the site. Keep checking back and hope to have something here soon. Enjoy the new year and hoping it brings more joy to all than last year has.